4 Weeks to a More Organized Home, medicine cabinet

We made it to the final day, congratulations if you’ve been following along! My house feels wonderful!! I still have a ways to go to get it how I want it, but compared to how it was at the beginning of this challenge, it is much better!! This challenge was good as it kept me accountable and I was able to stay on course. What a relief to get a bunch of lose ends tied up.
Today we cleaned out the medicine cabinet. Wow that really needed done!

20140328-150130.jpg. Major decluttering and cleaning out needed, right? Well I took everything out, looked at the expiration dates and discarded the old ones. My how many there were!!! I also wiped the shelves out, they were dusty and sticky.

20140328-150327.jpg After I did that I replaced the good items with their like stuff, and it looks a lot better! I’m very pleased and it should be easier to find the right medicine when needed.

So I hope you e enjoyed these challenges and flowing along whole I got my house into shape. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Our weather is beautiful so time to enjoy Spring Break!!!

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