Back to School

Whew. It’s been a year. Challenging to say the least. Between Covid, Virtual schooling and all of the other responsibilities that we had to keep up with, I’ve let my priorities go to the wayside. I let my emotional eating get out of control and what I was left with was anxiety and depression and extra pounds.

Today my kids went back on their rotation since our snowstorm we had last week. Next week they start back 4 days a week and this mamma is happy! Don’t get me wrong we had some good times while they were home but I’m by no means a teacher and my oldest and I butted heads like young goats. I’m thankful they will be getting the help and instruction they need!!

I’ve been out of practice with my blog, but now that we’re back to routine I will get and keep you updated as well!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend this weekend. It had warmed up quite a bit here and I’m sooooooo ready for Spring!