Cyber Week and Black Friday Sales!!

I have been an Origami Owl Designer for about 4 years now. If you don’t know what that is, it is a customizable jewelry company and we help people create their own stories within a living locket. It has been fun helping connect people to the moments in their life that matter the most.

If you’ve never experienced our cyber week deals or Black Friday specials, you are missing out!!! We have stuff on our website up to 80% off!! Charms to place inside your locket, locket sets and earrings! Today only, we have 15% off our entire website except our licensed products.

On Black Friday we will have complete lockets sets for as low as $19! And these go like hot cakes!!! I am usually up with coffee in hand waiting for these deals to go live so I can help my customers out so they don’t have to! If you’d like, check out my website at use code CYBER15 to get the discount!

Life Is A Gift

I woke up this morning thinking how much precious time we waste on stuff that isn’t important. In light of recent events, has shown me how precious our way of life and freedom really is. I want to fully embrace it. Spend more quality time with my kids who are getting older. Spend less time on trivial things and things that don’t matter.

I struggle with depression a lot. And I think it’s because I tend to dwell on things that I can’t fix or things that overwhelm me. Wonder if on my good days I spent more time doing things that fulfilled rather than drained I’d have more good days?

  • Reading
  • Exercizing
  • Qaulity time with family
  • Burning candles
  • Eating foods that nourish

This is my goal. I can’t change the past but I can change the future.

And now we have chickens!

I wanted to introduce to you our new homestead! Last March I got the urge to raise chickens. So, my lovely husband indulged me and fixed up the coop that wasn’t already standing on our farm.

They are now fully grown birds and have started laying eggs now!! It’s really exciting to go out in the morning and gather them. The kids really get a kick out of it! We have some Easter eggers that lay colored eggs and it’s like you’re searching for Easter eggs every morning.

It’s a slow start but I hope to add more animals next year. It’s been fun learning how to care for the chickens and find new ways to make them happy!